Robert Amos has dedicated himself to painting the urban landscape, focussing on Victoria, British Columbia, and environs. As an Honorary Citizen of Victoria, a member of the Royal Canadian Academy of the Arts and for 26 years art writer for the Times Colonist, he is one of Victoria’s best-known artists
Here is what he said about the book:
I have been slowly working my way through your memoir of times with Ted. It’s a pleasure to be in his company again, and I thank you for taking notes about what he said.
As you may know, I sorted and indexed the Harrison Papers when they came to The University of Victoria’s Special Collections (“the artists’ archive”). It occurs to me that I can alert them to the fact that your book exists.
Too bad that I no longer write for the newspaper. Therefore, I can’t offer to submit a review, but I thank you for creating this valuable treasury of the thoughts of the man who painted in the “happy” style.
With best wishes,
Robert Amos
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